Sunday, June 27, 2010

The places you find yourself

Waking up at 8 a.m. doesn't bother some people.
One day, I hope to be one of those people. Since starting my job as a legal assistant during the day and a teacher in the afternoon, waking up at 6:45-7:12 a.m. just gives the day a surreal twist. A twist made sweeter by having a job in town that pays more. And I get weekends off. Woot!
Slowly, the house is starting to look like a real house instead of a candidate for that hoarding show. During the first few weeks of teaching this class, I had newspapers, grammar workbooks, folders, papers, etc., all over the living room tables. Of course my mess is piled on top of Chris' bass player magazines, my fashion magazines and Arkansas Reviews, our assorted tab sheets, last semester's worksheets and textbooks, unopened mail and Persian-Siamese fur balls.
This morning I sorted mail, organized tabs, stacked magazines and dusted. There are still fur balls. Zora can't help it.
She really looks like a big cat because she's a walking 'fro. She might weigh 4 pounds, while our stout little runt cat packs about 11 pounds.

Aside from an organized living room, I updated my flickr page:
There are photos from the ice storm, the cat's first outdoor adventure, Juli's photo workshop and the Hot Springs trip. I'm hoping that Chris and I can actually make it to St. Louis next month for the Modest Mouse show. I'd like to get some shots at the concert, but I can't waltz up there with my D40. I've been looking at some point and shoot cameras, but I'd like to use something a little different for the show though. Plus, I'm not sure I'll have $125 to shell out for the point and shoot that I'd want.
Either way, I want to get something in there. Stupidly, I took a disposable camera to the Dead Weather show at Minglewood Hall. Not a single shot came out, which isn't surprising. I was just hoping that a shot or two would work because I got so close to the stage.
Speaking of Dead Weather — it was a great show. Since Jack White is so notoriously popular, I thought he'd really steal the show. He had nada on Alison Mosshart. She is the best showman I've seen since Tom Waits. I was so impressed and ashamed that I didn't start listening to The Kills years ago.
The list of CDs on my to-buy list is ever expanding and will keep growing. This week I'm waiting for my Surfa Rosa poster.